NEW! This "Coaching Calling Card" offers the coaching you want and the flexibility you need.

Are you interested in one-on-one coaching with me?

The truth is that sometimes you may just want to have a conversation to help you through a moment when you feel stuck or when the stakes are high and the decisions matter. Is that right?

While ongoing coaching packages are certainly beneficial, they don't provide the flexibility that you may desire. Do you want a coaching call exactly when you need it?

That's why we created this exceedingly requested "Coaching Calling Card" for clients like you who have done the work but know that elevating your personal mastery and increasing your professional capabilities is an ongoing practice!

This Coaching Calling Card offers you the flexibility to schedule your calls based on when YOU need them most.

I look very forward to continuing to support you as you build your life of exceptional performance, energy, and impact,

Rita Hyland

Here's what some of my beloved clients have to say about working with me...

Carol Castelloni

"Rita's multi-dimensional capability to share lessons, impart guidance, and provide specific feedback was so valuable to my personal and professional
focus areas.

She pushed me out of my comfort zone, with skilled guidance and an artful presence, so I could be open to a new way of overcoming my own roadblocks. Rita truly brings your life TO LIFE."

Carol Castelloni, Vice President Insurance Industry Executive

Matt Reznik

"Rita pushed me for sure, but I saw results immediately. With every subsequent meeting, the strategy she laid out for me was adapted and refined. The changes were noticeable - not just to me and to Rita but to those around me at work and to the leadership at the firm.

I highly recommend Rita to anyone who is looking to be a better person, employee, or leader. I will forever be grateful to Rita for her guidance."

Matt Reznik, Partner, Wealth Management

Christopher Campagna

"Rita provided me with practical tools, strategies, and insights that helped me to re-write some flawed mental scripts I had been reading from for much too long...

I feel a new sense of calm, and ease with my capabilities and purpose. I am more productive than ever and have found a better, full version of myself, which has positively impacted both my business and family life. If you're thinking about working with her, I can tell you that it's well worth it."

Christopher Campagna, President & CEO Braddock Commercial Real Estate Solutions

Dave Pohlman

"I can't say enough about how she helped me make positive, significant changes, personally and professionally that have improved my quality of life.

She brought her "A" game every time, and she is absolutely amazing at what she does. I was comfortable with her from day one, and she definitely lives up to the hype!"

Dave Pohlman, Business owner / Executive Recruiter, and Business Development Professional.

Jonathan Baker

"As I stand on the precipice of a new role with increased responsibility, visibility, and with more of my time being spent in my "zone of genius," it seems unlikely to me that I would have been in this position had I not had the chance to build a better version of me with Rita's guidance and support.

The work I did with Rita has bettered me as a leader, a father, a spouse, and most importantly as a person. I strongly recommend working with Rita."

Jonathan Baker, Associate Partner, Investments

Maura Siegenthaler

"Rita has helped all aspects of my life through her very professional and
knowledgeable manner of guiding me to an awareness of what makes me tick. I can attribute my success at work, making more money in less hours, at home, having more enjoyable times with my children and husband and for myself.

I would not be as successful or as happy without the coaching of Rita. I
highly recommend her services."

Maura Siegenthaler, Vice President Lind Media Company

Coaching Calling Card

$4,595 (One-time payment)

  • A (6) hour coaching calling card. You can use these hours however you'd like. Some individuals use the time to brainstorm and prioritize next moves, to reset, unlock invisible blocks, or to refine strategy - this coaching calling card provides flexibility based on your needs.
  • Your Coaching Sessions Recorded for Playback.
  • Complimentary Quarterly Planner (Rita's time-tested personal favorite) sent to your door along with a 60 minute Quarterly Planning Masterclass to build a working plan for the upcoming quarter that allows you to get more done in 12 weeks than others do in a year! ($795).
Please note: Coaching calling card valid for 6 month period from date of purchase.
Confirm Your Investment

Coaching Calling Card

3 payments of $1,595

  • A (6) hour coaching calling card. You can use these hours however you'd like. Some individuals use the time to brainstorm and prioritize next moves, to reset, unlock invisible blocks, or to refine strategy - this coaching calling card provides flexibility based on your needs.
  • Your Coaching Sessions Recorded for Playback.
  • Complimentary Quarterly Planner (Rita's time-tested personal favorite) sent to your door along with a 60 minute Quarterly Planning Masterclass to build a working plan for the upcoming quarter that allows you to get more done in 12 weeks than others do in a year! ($795).
Please note: Coaching calling card valid for 6 month period from date of purchase.
Confirm Your Investment